The Washington Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers held its Annual “Trial Toolbox” Conference June 7th-9th at Campbell’s Resort on Lake Chelan. Aimée, the Secretary of Board of Governors of the WACDL, was one of the Co-Chairs of the program.
The program is designed to help lawyers overcome the challenges they face every day in the courtroom. From direct and cross-examination to closing arguments to the unfortunate possibility of losing, this program discusses a variety of different approaches and techniques to keep in their toolbox.
David was invited to speak at the program and so spoke on Direct Examination and why it deserves more attention that it gets. He explained the objectives of DE are for the testimony to be understood, believed, and remembered. In his words, “Our goal is cinematic memorability.”
David received very favorable feedback overall being mentioned as a highlight of the seminar. One person stated, “Very useful information that I will use in my next trial. We often overlook direct exam and David’s presentation gave me all I need to make it as dynamic and engaging as a cross.”