Aimée Sutton Appointed to King County Superior Court

“We congratulate Aimée on this recognition of her outstanding abilities. We’re confident she will be just as good at dispensing justice as she has been at seeking it for our clients. We’re sorry, though, to lose her from our team. Her compassion for clients, keen intellect, practical insights, and fierce advocacy have been a key part of our firm’s success.” — David Marshall

The Marshall Defense Firm is indeed losing a valuable team member, but we couldn’t be prouder of Aimée. The work she did while she was here helped so many people get back their lives and we know that her fair judgment will continue to do so.

Governor Jay Inslee is just as confident as we are in Aimée’s abilities:

“Aimee’s experience on a range of complex issues, coupled with her extensive commitment to community service has given her a great understanding of the communities and issues that will appear before her on the bench. She will make an outstanding addition to the King County Superior Court.”

We wish Aimée all the best in her new journey!

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